My First Touch and Feel Picture Cards: Colors and Shapes
Regular price $15.99These adorable cards have a cut-out texture or an eye-catching shiny area that is designed to inspire curiosity in small children, like a shiny hat or fluffy duckling. Look out for the interactive reading development prompts on the back!
Each card shows either a shape, like a circle and triangle, or it objects in a bright color, such as red, yellow and blue. These are labeled with easy-to-read letters, to inspire early language development. It becomes an activity when you trace the shapes and letters with your fingers and find the unique texture on the cards.
Word translations on the back of each picture card are also repeated in Spanish, German, French and Mandarin. This encourages your child to fall in love with language learning from a young age. There is a handy pronunciation guide next to each word, so your little one can sound out the words with you.
Make learning to read interactive with a fun series of questions. For example, the triangle card asks "How many sides does a triangle have?" and "Look around you. Can you find any more triangles?"
This set of sturdy flashcards includes an additional card to guide parents as they play with their little readers! Discover tips for creative learning games and fun-filled activities to get your kids thinking and talking.
Learn All About Shapes and Colors, One Card at a Time!
• Bright, clear photographs, varied textures, and easy-to-read text
• Parent guide with creative learning games to share with kids
• Prompts and word translations on the back of each card provide extra information and talking points
Because toddlers are experiencing lots of things for the first time, we've made lots of My First Touch and Feel Picture Cards. Look below for other great card packs including My First Animals and My First Words.
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