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You'd rather not get too close to the Shadow Bat, because it looks pretty threatening with its black shaggy fur and the dark membranes of its wings. It knows that too, which is why it likes to circle close to your head. Its long fangs are also pretty scary, protruding from its huge snout like vampire's teeth. Let's hope it doesn't bite!

The Shadow Bat from ELDRADOR® is a creature of darkness. Its whole body is perfectly suited to getting up to no good in the dark. Its oversize ears catch every sound. Attackers have no chance to sneak up undetected. If they try, this bat is already prepared for any uninvited guests. It digs its claws into the ground and spreads its wings. If the enemy approaches, it takes to the air and circles around the attacker, swooping down to bare its sharp vampire teeth. Will things end badly for the visitors?

  • Discover the world through play with the authentic and detailed figures by schleich®. They look so real they may just start moving
  • schleich® products fire the imagination and guarantee an educational play experience full of adventure
  • This schleich® product belongs to the ELDRADOR® CREATURES theme world and is suitable for children between 7 and 12 years
Which credit cards do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. We also accept debit cards with the Visa or MasterCard logo and PayPal. We don't take personal checks, money orders, purchase orders, CODs, International credit cards or CyberCash. Sorry, we can't accept credit cards with billing addresses outside of the United States, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Guam.

Can I ship my order to an address different from my billing address?

If you would like your order shipped to an address different from the billing address on your credit card, it's a good idea to list the alternate address with your credit card company. We can process your order more quickly if you list the address with your credit card company before placing your order. To list the additional shipping address with your credit card company, just call the toll-free number on the back of your card and ask the customer service representative to add the address to the files on your account. This helps prevent fraudulent use of your credit card.

Is my credit card safe?

Our secure server software encrypts all of your personal information, including credit card number, name, and address, making the information unreadable as it travels over the Internet. We use the latest security technology available to keep your credit card information safe and private. 

How do you verify my credit card information?

We validate your credit card by checking your personal billing information. We require you to enter the billing information as it appears on your credit card statement into the personal billing section of the order before we authorize your purchase.

When is my credit card charged?

We charge your credit card when we ship the item. If we have to ship items in your order separately, more than one charge may show up on your card. When you place your order, we pre-authorize your credit card to make sure the funds are available. Please note: if you use a debit card, the pre-authorization may look like a debit on your account. We won't actually debit your account until we ship your order. If we have to cancel your order, the amount of time it takes to credit your account depends on the issuer of your card.

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